A man we can put our Trust in - Evan McMullin

A man we can put our Trust in - Evan McMullin



Monday, December 7, 2015

A Message From Santa

Ho – Ho – Ho – Ho Merry Christmas!

Hello Boys and Girls, Santa wants to say how impressed he is with most of you around the world. With all this hate amongst us, I love seeing you little ones that go that extra mile to make someone else a little bit happier.

Watching you girls & young women  going to the elderly and home bound to help them with the housework – Washing dishes, cleaning the whole house from top to bottom, vacuuming the carpets, sweeping and moping the floors, washing their clothes and bedding, washing those windows so they sparkle oh so brightly.

These things please me more than I can ever tell you.

Boys & Young Men there are large numbers of you that go that extra mile as well. Yes, I have seen you helping the neighbors mow their lawns, plant flowers; weed the flower beds, and even cleaning the walkways and drive. You know what really pleases Santa though; that is when I see you young men taking up a shovel in the cold winter weather and shovel your neighbors’ walkways and drives. That really pleases me.

Nevertheless, you know what boys and girls, Santa is not happy this year. To be fully honest Kris Kringle that is I, also known as Santa Clause, Father Christmas to name just two of the many names.
You want to know why I am mad, and depressed. It is because of your parents! They have forgotten their job as a parent! It is their job to teach you kids to Respect your Elders, teach you manners; however the lesson that has me most upset with them, they have forgotten to teach you that you should love ALL your brothers and sister, not just the ones in what you call family, but EVERY single person on earth.

Boys and girls there is a Christmas wish I hear over and over again; 
You sweet young innocent children come and sit on my lap, and you whisper in my ear, Santa please bring Peace and Love to the world!
It saddens me that I cannot grant this magnificent Christmas Wish! 

However, I do have an idea, if ALL of you boys and girls will start telling your parents I love you, but you need to help us out.
The way we will bring Peace and Love to this World, is to learn to LOVE ALL men; Whether their skin is White, Black, Brown, Yellow, Red whatever color; or what God they worship, whether it be the God of Abraham; Buddha, Mahmoud, Allah, whatever you may want to call him, all of us are still brothers and sisters and we all need to come together and remember that we are all brothers and sisters.

For 2016, I am going to ask you to join Santa and his helpers spread love and caring. When you see that person on the side of the freeway ramps, (make sure you are with an adult) but pause for just a moment to say hello, ask them their name, and hand them a homemade card, sharing your love – a scripture from your book of worship, A positive quote by one of our greatest leaders, or just a picture that you have drawn of love and peace.
I think that we should also take time to visit a house of worship of other religions, Just to see and understand them better. Take a minute and talk to someone different from yourself, religion, race, creed or color, spread your love to them by getting to know them, and know that they are your sisters and brothers, and they have feelings like you.

There are Races out there that scream out “We are discriminated against!” It saddens Santa to know that these people continue this hate and racism by not taking the time to get to know People of other Races, Creeds, or Color. Therefore, you kids are taught that this Country owes you something JUST because of your skin color; tell whoever is trying to teach you this, no it does not.

What I really want you to do, is yell and yell loud, “We are Children of name of your God.we are all brothers and sisters and you are not going to teach me any different. I will love ALL my brothers and sisters, I will honor & Respect ALL Adults – (be careful of those that may be out to hurt you though).

Thank you young people this world is going to be yours to live on so instead of making war, let us raise our voices in praise of love and peace. 



“Ray is one of the most dedicated guys I know. Putting on Indie Fest every year is extremely challenging and every year, he rises to the occaision making it better and better. He is resourceful and easy to work with. I would recommend him without hesitation. Gary Bryan, Morning Jock KRTH FM.

I have had the pleasure of being associated with Ray since the beginning of his festival and found him to be not only a dedicated and humble worker that is always involved selflessly and quietly behind the scenes, but also a kind-hearted and caring human being that wants to make everyone’s life easier.” Stan Harrington, Filmmaker/Actor, Xristos Productions

“Ray was a customer as Vice President of the Academy of Independent Cinema Arts and Artists, and in that capacity I observed Ray’s commitment to his new business and sales responsibilities, and his candor and direct approach in all of our communications. He impressed me with his focus on his projects and his clear communication to me and to our team at all times. I look forward to a continuing relationship with Ray.” Jim Shanklin, Executive Vice President, Festival Media Corporation

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Indie Fest USA 2014 Seminars

Indie Fest USA 2014 Seminars
We are still looking for Actors and Actresses to sit on the Panel for the workshop.